| Acting Games By: Marsh Cassady Theatre games and improvisation exercises for actors.
 | Acting Natural By: Peg Kehret A book of monologs, dialogs, and playlets for teens.
 | Acting Scenes and Monologs for Young Women By: Maya Levy Not just another book of scenes, but a wide variety of topics and situations fine-tuned to recreate the day-to-day experiences of young women.
 | Art by Committee By: Charna Halpern A two-part sequel to the best-selling book Truth in Comedy, including a book and DVD featuring several improv groups in action.
 | The Art of Acting By: Carlton Colyer with a foreword by Arthur Storch From basic exercises to multidimensional performances
 | The Art of Storytelling By: Marsh Cassady Creative ideas for preparation and performance
 | Audition Monologs for Student Actors Edited By Roger Ellis Selections from contemporary plays
 | Audition Monologs for Student Actors II Edited By Roger Ellis Selections from contemporary plays
 | Audition Monologues for Young Women Edited By Gerald Lee Ratliff Contemporary audition pieces for aspiring actresses
 | Characters in Action By: Marsh Cassady A complete survey of every step in playwriting.
 | Christmas On Stage Compiled and Edited by Theodore O. Zapel An anthology of twenty-seven royalty-free Christmas plays for all ages.
 | Comedy Improvisation By: Delton T. Horn Improv structures and exercises for young actors.
 | Comedy Plays and Scenes for Student Actors By: Laurie Allen Short sketches for young performers
 | Comedy Scenes for Student Actors By: Laurie Allen Short sketches for young performers
 | The Complete Audition Book for Young Actors By: Roger Ellis A step-by-step guide for training young actors to audition well by developing acting skills.
 | The Complete Book of Speech Communication By: Carol Marrs A lively textbook of creative activities for a full year’s course in speech communication.
 | Costumes, Accessories, Props, and Stage Illusions Made Easy By: Barb Rogers This book’s numerous drawings explain in detail the costuming process of "turning straw into gold."
 | Costuming Made Easy By: Barb Rogers How to make theatrical costumes from cast-off clothing.
 | Directing for the Stage By: Terry John Converse 42 creative exercises for both beginning and advanced courses on Directing.
 | The Director’s Eye
An inspirational and informative approach to directing that will serve as a lifelong career reference.
 | Doubletalk By: Bill Majeski 50 comedy duets for actors.
 | Drama Games and Acting Exercises By: Rod Martin 177 games and activities for actors
 | Drama Games and Improvs By: Justine Jones and Mary Ann Kelley Games for the classroom and beyond
 | Drama Projects for the Middle School Classroom By: Rebecca Young A collection of theatre activities for young actors
 | The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide #2 By: Margaret F. Johnson Activities, exercises, and techniques for the theatre classroom
 | The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide By: Margaret F. Johnson A complete tool kit for theatre arts
 | Elegantly Frugal Costumes By: Shirley Dearing How to make costumes for plays, pageants, and musicals at the lowest possible expense.
 | Encore! More Winning Monologs for Young Actors By: Peg Kehret 63 more honest-to-life monologs for teens.
 | Everything about Theatre! By: Robert L. Lee A comprehensive survey about the arts and crafts of the stage.
 | Famous Fantasy Character Monologs By: Rebecca Young One hundred fantasy monologs reveal what characters like Cinderella and Captain Hook might really say if given the chance.
 | Fifty More Professional Scenes and Monologs for Student Actors By: Garry Michael Kluger A collection of short one- and two-person scenes
 | Fifty Professional Scenes for Student Actors By: Garry Michael Kluger Winning short scenes for auditions and competitions.
 | The Flip Side By: Heather H. Henderson Short, breezy, provocative -- these monologs are superb for acting exercises, speech and drama contests, or for auditions.
 | The Flip Side II By: Heather H. Henderson A new collection of tough and timely monolog pairs with opposing views on many topics.
 | Forensics By: Brent C. Oberg For speech and debate contests, this book can help anyone become a winner!
 | Funny Business By: Marsh Cassady An introduction to comedy with royalty-free plays and sketches.
 | Get in the Act! By: Shirley Ullom Monologs, dialogs, and skits for teens.
 | Grammar Wars By: Tom Ready The exercises and games in this book can be used to help students learn punctuation, grammar, and parts of speech as well as performance skills.
 | Grammar Wars II By: Tom Ready How to integrate improvisation and language arts.
 | Grammar Wars & Grammar Wars II By: Tom Ready How to integrate games and improvs into language arts
 | Great Scenes from Minority Playwrights Edited By Marsh Cassady Scenes from plays by minority playwrights designed to make students aware of cultural diversity in American theatre.
 | Group Improvisation By: Peter Gwinn with additional material by Charna Halpern Who would have thought that participating in group improv could be so enlightening and rewarding!
 | Hey, Girlfriend By: Kimberly A. McCormick Seventy-five monologues for girls
 | Improv Ideas By: Justine Jones and Mary Ann Kelley When you don’t have the time to create new improv ideas for your group or classroom, this book and CD-ROM will do it for you quickly and conveniently.
 | Improve with Improv! By: Brie Stewart Jones A complete improv curriculum.
 | Improvisation for Actors and Writers By: Bill Lynn with a foreword by Kip King Far more than simply an overview of improv comedy, this book helps actors, writers, and comedians learn the basics as taught in all the major comedy schools.
 | Improvisations in Creative Drama By: Betty Keller Workshops and dramatic sketches for student actors.
 | Instant Period Costumes By: Barb Rogers How to make classic costumes from cast-off clothing.
 | International Plays for Young Audiences Edited By Roger Ellis A valuable text for multicultural, literary, or speech classes; or for theatrical applications.
 | Interpersonal Communication By: Brent C. Oberg An introduction to human interaction
 | Introduction to Readers Theatre By: Gerald Lee Ratliff Many royalty-free script adaptations for performers and audiences of all ages.
 | Introduction to Stage Lighting By: Charles I. Swift Everything you always wanted toknow about theatrical stage lighting but were too afraid to ask!
 | An Introduction to: The Art of Theatre By: Marsh Cassady A comprehensive text -- past, present, and future
 | Introduction to Theatre Arts By: Suzi Zimmerman A 36-week action handbook for middle grade and high school students and teachers.
 | Introduction to Theatre Arts 2 By: Suzi Zimmerman An action handbook for middle grade and high school students and teachers
 | Lessons: The Craft of Acting By: Tom Isbell 100 plain-speaking lessons that simplify the art of acting for students and professionals.
 | Let’s Put on a Show! By: Adrea Gibbs Every young would-be thespian needs a guidebook like this to learn the basics of theatre.
 | Make It Mystery By: Craig Sodaro This book of twelve royalty-free mystery plays allows you to choose from a wide variety of plays to fit whatever your current staging and casting needs may be.
 | Millennium Monologs Edited By Gerald Lee Ratliff 95 contemporary characterizations for young actors.
 | The Mime Book By: Claude Kipnis A comprehensive guide to mime.
 | Mime Time By: Debbie Howell By: Happy Jack Feder A book of routines and performance tips.
 | More Christmas On Stage Edited By Rhonda Wray A new anthology of royalty-free Christmas plays
 | More One-Act Plays for Acting Students Edited By Norman A. Bert and Deb Bert 25 contemporary short dramas by nationally-known playwrights.
 | More Scenes and Monologs from the Best New Plays Edited By Roger Ellis An anthology of new dramatic writing from professionally produced plays.
 | More Scenes from Shakespeare Edited By Michael Wilson Twenty short scenes to get students excited about Shakespeare.
 | More Scenes That Happen By: Mary Krell-Oishi The drama of the teen years is played out in these thirty-four scenes and monologs for young actors.
 | More Short & Sweet Skits for Student Actors By: Maggie Scriven Fifty sketches for teens
 | More Ten-Minute Plays for Middle School Performers By: Rebecca Young and Ashley Gritton Plays for a variety of cast sizes
 | More Theatre Games for Young Performers By: Suzi Zimmerman By popular demand, we offer a follow-up book of theatre games specifically for young acting students.
 | Multicultural Theatre Edited By Roger Ellis Scenes and monologs from new Hispanic, Asian, and African-American plays.
 | Multicultural Theatre II Edited By Roger Ellis Contemporary Hispanic, Asian, and African-American plays.
 | New Audition Scenes and Monologs from Contemporary Playwrights Edited By Roger Ellis The monologs in this new text are highly original works not found in other published versions.
 | New International Plays for Young Audiences Edited By Roger Ellis This unique anthology of complete plays represents several countries.
 | New One-Act Plays for Acting Students Edited By Deb Bert and Norman A. Bert A new anthology of complete one-act plays for one, two, or three actors.
 | On Stage! Short Plays for Acting Students By: Robert Mauro 23 one-act plays for classroom or stage performance.
 | One-Act Plays for Acting Students Edited By Norman A. Bert An anthology of complete one-act plays -- no cuttings!
 | Outstanding Stage Monologs and Scenes from the ’90s Edited By Steven H. Gale A collection of forty selections from some of the most important contemporary plays and playwrights of the 1990’s.
 | Perspectives By: Mary Krell-Oishi This book of twenty-three scenes deals with challenging subject matter in five categories of subjects.
 | Play Directing in the School By: David Grote This drama director’s survival guide speaks from years of experience of a talented teacher/director who has "been there and done that."
 | PLAYdate By: Cindy Marcus A parent’s and teacher’s guide to putting on a play
 | Playing Contemporary Scenes Edited By Gerald Lee Ratliff The best scenes from leading plays by the most famous contemporary playwrights.
 | Playing Scenes from Classic Literature Edited By Joellen Bland The most fascinating characters from world literature step from behind the printed page into living portrayals for the stage or classroom.
 | Plays for Young Audiences by Max Bush Edited By Roger Ellis An anthology of selected plays by Max Bush for young audiences.
 | The Prop Master By: Amy Mussman , Illustrated by James Mussman A guidebook for successful theatrical prop management
 | Readers Theatre Anthology By: Melvin R. White A collection of 28 readings.
 | Readers Theatre in the Middle School and Junior High Classroom By: Lois Walker A take-part teacher’s guide: springboards to language development through Readers Theatre, storytelling, writing, and dramatizing!
 | The Scenebook for Actors Edited By Norman A. Bert A book of selected scenes from the world’s leading playwrights.
 | Scenes and Monologs from the Best New Plays Edited By Roger Ellis 42 selections from 38 of the best new plays.
 | Scenes from Shakespeare
Fifteen short scenes to help give students a more complete understanding of the world’s most famous playwright.
 | Scenes Keep Happening By: Mary Krell-Oishi 48 true-to-life scenes for guys, girls, and mixed casts with themes ranging from bullying and self-esteem to dating and sports.
 | Scenes That Happen By: Mary Krell-Oishi Snapshot dramatizations about life in high school.
 | ScreenTEENwriters By: Christina Hamlett How young screenwriters can find success.
 | Self-Supporting Scenery for Children’s Theatre … and Grown-Ups’, Too By: James Hull Miller How to construct free-standing scenery to convert any space into a theatre.
 | Short & Sweet Skits for Student Actors By: Maggie Scriven Fifty-five sketches for teens
 | Sixty Comedy Duet Scenes for Teens By: Laurie Allen Real-life situations for laughter
 | Sketch-O-Frenia By: John Dessler Think: ants, fish, and other unlikely creatures satirizing everything we consider normal and acceptable.
 | Small Stage Sets on Tour By: James Hull Miller A practical guide to portable stage sets.
 | So You Think You’re Funny? By: Immediate Gratification Players A students’ guide to improv comedy
 | Speaking Out: An Introduction to Public Speaking By: Michael Gallagher A student-friendly guide to public speaking
 | Speechcraft By: Brent C. Oberg An introduction to public speaking.
 | Spontaneous Performance By: Marsh Cassady Includes exercises leading to widely varied subjects and genres of improvisation, from scenes dealing with youth problems to situation comedy.
 | Spotlight By: Stephanie Fairbanks Fifty-five fresh, insightful monologs for teens.
 | Stage Lighting in the Boondocks By: James Hull Miller A guide to achieving professional-quality lighting within the limitations of school auditoriums, community theatres, and churches.
 | Stagecraft 1 By: William H. Lord The what, when, and why of stagecraft.
 | Staging an Interactive Mystery Play By: Justine Jones and Mary Ann Kelley A six-week program for developing theatre skills
 | Staging Musicals for Young Performers By: Maria C. Novelly and Adele Firth This book can show anyone how to stage any musical show on any budget.
 | The Stanislavsky Secret By: Irina Levin and Igor Levin In six comprehensive chapters the authors reveal Stanislavsky’s method to help actors transform themselves into believable and fascinating stage characters.
 | Teens Have Feelings, Too! By: Deborah Karczewski 100 monologs for young performers.
 | Tell It Like It Is By: Peg Kehret A thought-provoking new collection of monologs by best-selling author Peg Kehret.
 | Ten-Minute Plays for Middle School Performers By: Rebecca Young Plays for a variety of cast sizes
 | The Theatre and You By: Marsh Cassady An introductory text on all aspects of theatre.
 | The Theatre Audition Book By: Gerald Lee Ratliff How to play monologs from contemporary, modern, period, Shakespeare, and classical plays.
 | The Theatre Audition Book 2 By: Gerald Lee Ratliff Playing monologues from contemporary, modern, period, Shakespearean and classical plays
 | Theatre Games & Activities By: Lynda A. Topper Games for building confidence and creativity
 | Theatre Games and Beyond By: Amiel Schotz A teacher’s handbook of over 140 theatre games designed to stimulate creativity in students of all ages.
 | Theatre Games for Young Performers By: Maria C. Novelly The basics of pantomime, improvisations, voice control, monologs, and dialogs are all presented in game formats with exercises and worksheets for easy organization.
 | Thirty Short Comedy Plays for Teens By: Laurie Allen These thirty short plays give teenage performers a chance to portray the drama of their everyday lives.
 | Tight Spots By: Diana M. Howie What makes this book different is that the characters in most of the monologs are speaking to another character; this brings an imaginary friend onstage with the actor to make performances "scare-free
 | Tough Acts to Follow By: Shirley Ullom Death, divorce, dating, and dieting -- monologs for performers of all types.
 | Truth in Comedy By: Charna Halpern , Del Close and Kim "Howard" Johnson The manual of improvisation described by Bill Murray to be "the most important group work since they built the pyramids."
 | Two-Character Plays for Student Actors By: Robert Mauro A collection of fifteen one-act plays.
 | Two-Minute Monologs
A new collection of character monologs from an established New York City playwright known for his uniquely original dramatic work.
 | The Ultimate Improv Book By: Edward Nevraumont and Nicholas P. Hanson with additional material by Kurt Smeaton Unlike other improv books, this provides the tools that show how to structure and create you own new improv games.
 | The Ultimate Young Actors Guide By: Cindy Marcus Getting the role and making it shine
 | Winning Monologs for Young Actors By: Peg Kehret Honest-to-life characterizations in sixty-five monologs.
 | Young Women’s Monologs from Contemporary Plays Edited By Gerald Lee Ratliff A valuable resource for any auditioning female actor or theatre student with over ninety monologs to choose from.
 | Young Women’s Monologues from Contemporary Plays #2 Edited By Gerald Lee Ratliff
More professional auditions for aspiring actresses