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Acting Duets for Young Women
Laurie Allen
Age Level: Middle Grades to High School Cast: Time:
Our customers have been asking for more real-life duo scenes for student actors to perform, and this collection delivers. These scenes for two female actors are divided into two sections: comedy and drama. The comedy scenes will have audiences laughing at the outrageous yet believable scenarios. Comedy scenes include: Online Love, Dirty Laundry, Marriage Phobia, New Best Friend Forever and more. The dramatic scenes will have the audience and actors thinking about the relevant topics. Dramatic scenes include: The Wishing Well, Night Storm, Broken Promises, The Red Dress and more. All scenes are entertaining and enjoyable. Actors will be challenged by each scene in this collection. Sets and costumes can be elaborate or simple. The length of each scene is perfect for the female forensic dramatic duo competitions sponsored nationally. They may also be used for auditions, acting practice or an evening of entertainment.
(224 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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